Brand Review: Reformation

Made in the US? Check.

Responsible manufacturing practices? Check

Sustainable and re-purposed fabrics? Check

Intentional efforts to limit waste? Check.

That's why Reformation jokes that they are the #2 most sustainable option to being naked. A cheeky opening for a clothing company that some people (ahem me) might find a bit intimidating, but we will get to that later. Led by founder Yael Aflalo, this brand has been nailing the sustainable consumer space since its beginnings in 2009. Initially focused on the idea of re-purposing vintage items,  Aflalo relaunched the label in 2012 when she realized there was more she could do to cause less harm in the fashion industry.

This more sustainable focus has resulted in super cool clothing with a very transparent story and footprint. All Reformation items are made from carefully considered materials which they valuate as "sustainable" by confirming each of the following: the material is good for the environment, good for society, and good for profits. This includes eco-fabrics like Tencel, Viscose and recycled materials, as well as vintage and dead stock fabrics. The designs are contemporary celebrations of the female form shared with us through a consumer model. That means an item can go from sketch to consumer ready in a month or less, unlike the 12-18 months it takes a traditional retailer. Once a garment is made, each item on the website is listed with an individual RefScale, which provides a breakdown of the carbon dioxide, water, and waste that was used to make that single garment. Reformation makes the majority of their clothing in their own factory in downtown LA focused on providing efficient, eco-friendly, and pro-social technologies and practices. Plus, all employees, even hourly ones, get above minimum wage, with about half above the living wage threshold, and all full time employees receive health benefits. You can even sign up to tour their factory to see it all for yourself. 

If you take a look around, it won't take you long to see that people are obsessed with Reformation. Regular people. Famous people. Models (Karlie Kloss is even an investor...). Regular people who want to be like famous people i.e. bloggers. With such a strong following and kick-ass pedigree, I have to admit that I have been long intimidated by Reformation. Every time before I hit the purchase button, two things gave me major pause: 

1. I love that the website lists the garment care for all the items... But a very significant majority of items are Hand Wash only. I do not have a hand wash lifestyle. I live in a tiny studio apartment where space it always at a premium i.e. no where to delicately dry items. Furthermore, I strongly dislike doing laundry. I don't need to spend anytime than required doing it. These clothes are hand wash for good reason because of both the sustainable fabrics used and the brand's admirable encouragement to treat the environment more kindly. You might be a better/kinder/ more adult person who has a hand wash lifestyle and you can ignore this completely and GO for it. You do you. For others, just make sure you read the garment care instructions before falling in love with something. 

2. I spend over 70% of my life in work appropriate clothes. For that reason, I very rarely buy something that wouldn't also be happy in that setting.  A lot of what Reformation is putting out there is not what your boss is hoping you show up to at work on Monday wearing. Even more than that, I think one of the MOST important things about dressing is making sure you feel comfortable in whatever you choose to wear. I'm a modest dresser. It's a fact. So a lot of these clothes fall outside of my comfort radar. I let that scare me away from all of Reformations clothes for a while... Don't do that. There are great things here that are good for the more modest, going to slightly conservative work environments every day kinda of people. And amazing things for those who don't always want to buy things they can wear to work slash feel more comfortable in their skin.

One last thing: Reformation is widely celebrated for their sundresses. Probably a good reason to have done this Brand Review at the beginning of the summer. And yet here I am, sharing a post with you at the cusp of fall with the below picks that feature no sundresses. Right now is one of the trickiest shopping times of the year, so I tried to tailore all my picks for what could work for the upcoming season. BUT if you are still in need of some summer frocks, don't miss this, this or this... or even this.  And do you remember SOKO, the jewelry brand we looked at last week? They are also featured on the Reformation website. How wonderful are these earrings?

  • ONE: I know that those summer temperatures are still spiking, so don't be mad at me fore saying this.... but winter is coming. This adorable sweater  is on major markdown and would be a great piece to help bridge the seasons. Plus it's made of 100% alpaca, who are not only incredibly soft animals but so friendly and adorable and eager to share their magic with you (which I can share from personal experience having held one once in Peru).
  • TWO: I know I highlighted above how some of Reformation's clothing isn't exactly friendly to my lifestyle. And while this top is capable giving major chest/ belly exposure, I think it would look so professional with a white top underneath-- this one would be perfect. I love the different pattern options as well! 
  • THREE: I love the tag line for these jeans "Your a**, and Mother Earth, will thank you." That's really enough to convince me. 
  • FOUR: I also a mid-rise jean, mostly because it can hide a taco or two. Even better if there is a crop flare at the bottom. 
  • FIVE: Another goodie found in the sale section. I actually saw this dress on a woman walking down the street the other day. I love that you can adjust the buttons to make the silt that suits you best. I love that you could wear a shirt (striped! collared!) under it. I love that it is both modest and revealing at the same time. I love the future I am imaging for myself and this dress. 
  • SIX: A perfect top for work/ play and everything in between. In striped or puma, this one has serious closet staying power. 

Here is the skinny on how Reformation is doing more: 

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